“A well designed brand can differentiate your business from competitors, build trust with your audience, and give them the right first impression.”

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I see, I design. Selection of my social design posters.

The Project

Graphic Design
When I see or listen to something, when I want to speak and the only way to express myself is the design, then I create these posters. Impulses from which can be hurt, be pleased, shocked me, disgusted me.

All these and more to create a collection of posters for my Social Design. Words through pictures.

I am happy and honored because most of them have been published in design books from publishers all over the world.

Worlds Aids day.
1st December. I remember.

Published in Poster Design 2

Japan's most powerful earthquake / 11.03.11.

Participated in the Exhibitions:
Farbwerte special – “Posters about Japan”, in Berlin.
Green+You – “Posters for Japan”, in Korea.

Oil spill threatens sea life.. Mexico, China.. Next?

Published in Bright Ideas in Poster Design book.

Earth Day - April 22

Participated in the World Fest Earth day exhibition 2011.

"Think Positive"!

Petrol's Profiteering. Greece 2010.

Save H2O



Greece, Elections 2019

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

Χαράτσι της ΔΕΗ

Don’t pay. DEH brings us closer…

ΟΧΙ 1940-2011. Άχρωμη επέτειος.

Published in “Fuct Art magazine, issue 23”.

ΟΧΙ 1940-2011. Άχρωμη επέτειος.

Published in “Fuct Art magazine, issue 23”.

ΟΧΙ 1940-2011. Άχρωμη επέτειος.

Published in “Fuct Art magazine, issue 23”.

Αλέξανδρος Παπαδιαμάντης

Κείμενο του κορυφαίου Έλληνα πεζογράφου, Αλέξανδρου Παπαδιαμάντη, που το έγραψε 115 χρόνια πριν, τη χρονιά των πρώτων Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων.
100 χρόνια από τον θάνατο του (1851-1911), το άρθρο αυτό, από την εφημερίδα “Ακρόπολις”, καταγράφει απόλυτα και τη σημερινή επικαιρότητα.

Ελλάδα 2011

Που είναι ο πρωθυπουργός “οέο”;


English explanation: This is a priest hat. Below is the word DIMOS. Priest in Greek called “Papas”. So, the Papa & Dimos is Papadimos which is the name of Loukas Papadimos is a Greek economist who has been elected as Prime Minister of Greece since November 2011. Below of this says: “have mercy on us (x3)”, as the priests ask from God.

Published in “Fuct Art magazine, issue 23”.
Featured in LIFO online magazine.

Χαράτσι και στα Κάλαντα. 2011.

Ελλάδα 2011. Δημοψήφισμα.

Όλοι φταίμε για την κατάσταση της χώρας μας.

Για πόσο ακόμα θα κρυβόμαστε πίσω απο το δάχτυλό μας;

Η ακριβότερη τιμή βενζίνης σε όλη την Ευρώπη.

English explanation: The poster rephrase a Greeks song lyrics, that it says: “i can touch you only in my dreams” to: “i can fill you up only in my dreams”.
And below: Lyrics: The political law / Music: the Gas station / Sing: the Greek people
The reason, cause the fuel’s price here in Greece is so expensive…

Η ώρα της γης.

English explanation: Earth Hour. 27 March 2010. Greece hour 20:30. We switch off the lights for an hour.

21 Ιουνίου. Παγκόσμια ημέρα της Μουσικής.

English explanation: 21 June. World day of Music. It says: “JOIN THE RHYTHM”.

20 Ιουνίου. Παγκόσμια ημέρα Προσφύγων.

English explanation: 20 June. World day of Refugees. it says: “EVERYDAY.. A NEW START”.

17 Οκτωβρίου. Διεθνής ημέρα για την εξάλειψη της Φτώχειας.

ARE YOU HUNGRY? YOU WILL NOT EAT. It sounds really bad. But many people live this reality. Its time for all of us to do something, to stop misery.
17 October. World Day for the obliteration of poverty.